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APACE Programme – Community Component
Integrated Home and Community Based Care Programme
Community-Based HIV Testing Programme – Eastern Cape
Young Women & Girls, and Adherence Programme
Early Childhood Household Strengthening Programme – KZN
Integrated Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV Program to High-School Adolescents
Kheth’Impilo OVCY Family Strengthening Program seeks
to contribute to reaching the 95-95-95 goals to achieve epidemic control and an AIDS-free
generation by responding to the social, economic, and emotional consequences of the HIV and AIDS pandemic on children, their families, and the communities that support them. The goal of the
OVCY program is to improve the health and well-
being of children and families by mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS, increasing children’s resilience, and reducing their risk of HIV infection. Kheth’Impilo implements OVCY Family
Strengthening Program in ORT, Chris Hani and
Alfred Nzo districts of the Eastern Cape Province.
The OVCY Family Strengthening Program seeks to improve the well-being of OVCY by mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS, reducing their risk and vulnerability, and increasing their resilience and likelihood of growing up healthy, educated, and socially adjusted adults.
Programme objectives include: to increase the number of OVC 0–17 years who receive a comprehensive package of evidence-based psychosocial interventions that mitigate the impact
of HIV and AIDS; to strengthen the capacity of OVC caregivers and families to communicate effectively and thus educate these OVCs to address the key issues facing children affected by HIV and AIDS, including sexual risk behavior and prevention of neglect, violence, and exploitation; to proactively promote and monitor HIV status knowledge, increase access to HIV services, support retention, adherence, and viral suppression among enrolled C/ALHIV.