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Do you have a passion to serve your community?

KI Offers:

Learning Culture

Excellence in employee engagement


Innovative Environment

Career Growth

Non-discriminatory Environment

What our employees say about working at KI

KI provides a real opportunity to add value and an environment where contributions are recognised by leadership.

Being part of an organisation that is making a positive contribution to society by serving some of the most needy and vulnerable citizens


Because of the company values not only to the beneficiaries who receive it's services but also to the staff.

KI also allows me to grow and improve skills in different departments within the organization and doesn't confine me to one department.

It is great to be part of the change that we
see in different households that are living
with HIV positive children and seeing them
grow and thrive

Because I subscribe to the values of KI -
Ubuntu and treating other people with respect

                        KI Provides an opportunity to work                              beyond your given scope

Lets get South Africa employed

Positions in the medical and related fields available.
With your skills we can definitely do more.

6 Melbourne Road
Cape Town

Phone: +27 (0)21 410 4300